Thursday, August 17, 2017

Reese Ann Wood

She's finally here and she is perfect!

Born August 14th 6:34pm 6lb 8oz 21"
98% height, 10% weight

Birth Story-

Even though my due date was August 20th, I wanted to be induced as soon as my Dr. would allow me! It is no secret that I hate pregnancy. She gave me the 39 week approval and we set the date for August 14th! (39w 1day). I was super excited for that date since Cora was born 4/7 & that would make baby sis 8/14. Easy to remember the double date.

The day before on Sunday I was so busy getting everything ready. Cleaning all the clothes, packing the bags - nothing like last minute. Joeys parents came and got Cora for a sleepover. Then my mom and I organized all the toddler/baby clothes. I was a little sore from working so hard & then I was so nervous/anxious/excited that I only slept from 12-2am. They called at 6:15 and told me to arrive for our elective induction at 7:30am. My body wanted to remind me one last time that morning sickness will prevail despite medications. We got there and by 8:15 I was hooked up to the Pitocin. I was only dialated to a 2 and 60% effaced upon arrival. By 11:30 I was only a 2.5! The Dr. suggested I receive an epidural so that they could break my water painlessly in order to get the ball rolling. I had the epidural at noon and they broke my water shortly after. The epidural was perfect, I could still move my legs but not feel pain. At 3:00 I was only a 3! I couldn't believe it. We cranked the Pitocin to 22 (usually they stop at 20) and then I went quickly to a 5 @ 4:30, then at @ 5:30 I was throwing up my popsicles! That's how I knew it was really coming fast. I was an 8 and within a half hour it was time to push! She came out in only 2 contractions, push #6. Dr. Parrett immediately put her on my chest and Joey cut the cord. He describes it as gummy leather, haha. She was purple and had low tone so she received a 7 APGAR score and a 5 minute of 9. She was perfect! I couldn't of asked for a better delivery except maybe a faster labor. I did guess it was going to be 10 hours though! Spot on, really. After a quick weigh in while Dr. Parrett was stitching up my grade 2 tear, they laid her on my chest for skin to skin time. We did that with nursing for about an hour. I loved it! Everyone kept commenting on how much dark dark hair she had! I thought she had the same amount that Cora had at first but I was wrong. Cora was dark brown and not as thick. Reese has tons of Black hair. She is the cutest little thing. Gaga says she looks just like how I did. It's hard to tell right now but I think she does. I see very little Cora in her.

Grammy and Grampy brought Cora into the delivery room about 7:30. Her face was priceless! She rushed in smiling excited to give me a present & then saw that I was holding Reese. Her face immediately changed into confusing/disgust. I could hear her thoughts, "uhhhhhh I didn't know it was going to be THAT kind of a baby sister." She didn't want to sit by me or touch her.  It was getting late & I was so hungry from not being able to eat all day long. Gaga took Cora home & I was moved up to post partum at 8:30pm. I kept asking for food and they finally said we only have boxed lunches since the kitchen is closed now. I sent Joey and Scott to Rumbi's across the street. So I finally got to eat at 9! We did all the post partum things and I nursed her again and sent her to the nursery. I finally got to sleep around 11:30 only to be woken up again at 1, 2, 3, 4, 430, 5, 530, 6, 7, 730. Rough night in a row #2. One of the wake ups for Reese they informed me that she had low blood sugar and low body temp. She had it dip below 40 once but by morning it was in the 60's again. Her body temp regulated after lots of skin to skin as well. My Dr. cleared me for a 24 hour stay and we decided if Reese got the ok then we would just go home that night as well. 6:30 pm they took her for her last tests and she passed! So we got discharged about 8:30pm & drove home. I was on pain killers and threw up my dinner as soon as we walked in the door. That is my very last throw up!! Our first night home was also rough! Haha! Basically, Reese just wants to be held all the time and not be in her bassinet. We love her already so much and becoming parents again has been an adventure. I hope she never grows up!

Cora the first full day home has really warmed up to Reese. She continues to say "Aweeee! Look at her! Look at herrrr, look at her hands! Aweee!" She loves helping put her binky in & turning the mamaroo on. Her favorite toy right now is her baby doll in the stroller. I hope these two will be best friends!

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