Thursday, August 13, 2015

This is 4 month Cora

4 M O N T H S

  • 13 lb 8 oz (41%)
  • 25" (81%)
  • Finally getting a little leg roll
  • Rolls onto her stomach both ways
  • Holds her feet 
  • Laughs & play screams like a raptor
  • Loves standing & bath time
  • Loves both her grammys (laughs the Most with them)
  • Touches my face, pinches my nose, holds my chin while nursing
  • Thinks putting her fingers in my mouth is so funny
  • First (double) Ear infection 
  • Interacts with toys a lot - everything goes in her mouth
  • Started eating about 4-5 oz/feeding

We went camping the day after her 4 month birthday. Alexander lake in the Uintas with the Wood & Jensen clan. It was really cold. Like RE A L L Y cold. Poor cora hated it at night time. I think the cold air hurt her little lungs. Plus come to find out 5 days later she has a double ear infection..poor thing did not feel good. 

last day of 3 month old. Funniest onesie EVER.

3 month highlights

She is already 4 months. WHAT?

Here is a post about her life as a 3 month old.

At 3.5 months she could roll from her back towards her left side and onto her stomach! Of course, the very FIRST time it happened she rolled off of the ottoman and hit her head...I was one step away from catching her. It was a soft hit...she slid onto her feet then bum then head, BUT STILL. I felt terrible.

Just under 4 months she could roll to both sides onto her stomach. She can't roll onto her back yet, so in the middle of the night I have to often go in and flip her over to her back. *as i hear a muffled "ahhh ahhhh....ahhhh"*

  • Cora is laughing lots more & will smile at you whenever you look at her. She's the happiest little thing but has been a Terrible eater & sleeper. Didn't gain much weight till the end of her 3rd month. More about this in my next post. 
  • She's been doing good at Daycare. (1 or 2 x/week) They always report that she's been really happy. But surprise surprise doesn't eat or sleep well. We got her faster flow nipples which have been helping a lot. She will come home really tired and go to bed a little earlier than normal days.
  • Preferred sleeping method: On her side
  • Perferred activity: standing & walking
  • Only crys when: she is tired or is alone when shes awake/cant see me or someone
  • Happy when: Basically all the time. Even with the wettest, poopiest diaper
  • Still eats about 3 oz every 3 hours. Has picked up some in her last few days of 3 months

Old man hair-doo. Crib rub off

New cousin baby Ginny
All 4 girls @ Milly's 1 year party 
Loves her binky & even between this and now (2 weeks) she really interacts with her toys more
"catch yourself with your hands" or not.
Loves standing!
Everything goes in her mouth