Monday, June 22, 2015

Fathers Day

Joey's 1st Fathers Day! He is such a good dad. My favorite has been every Sunday morning (Yes, even on Fathers Day) when Cora gets up, he takes her downstairs and lets me sleep in. Sunday's have been his day and its so sweet to see him take care of her all day (not to mention being excited about it). I think I'll always remember his voice the way he says, "Shes Sooooo cute"

Since this post is about Father's Day its only appropriate to have Joey share his feelings about fatherhood...

"What an adventure! It's crazy to imagine how my life has evolved into fatherhood. I have a renewed motivation to succeed with Cora and Kari to take care of. It's amazing to get to come home to a beautiful wife and baby everyday. When I see her smile, stand up, or make cute noises, my heart just melts. It's fun to take her to church. She loves the Hymns and listening to the organ. Life is forever changed and I'm excited for the next adventure that lies ahead. I love my Cora and my wife."

Thursday, June 18, 2015


A few weeks ago (Cora's 7th week of life) we hopped on a plane and flew to LA. Joey had a work trip so we joined him. When we got to our hotel we had a suite with 2 rooms so I texted my mom and asked if she wanted to come & we picked her up from the airport 5 hours later! Haha!

Cora was a champ on the plane. Slept mostly but even when she was awake during landings she didn't cry :) Love her.

Sleeping on the plane like a champ. Joey had to hold her because she was making me sweat like a pig

 Matching bath robes. Coras first pool experience lasted approx. 2 minutes ;)

 Santa Monica Pier and Beach

 Del Mar Beach, Check out our set up. Cora didn't particularly handle the beach sun & wind well.

Hollywood. We spent about an hour trying to maneuver through the neighborhood to get as close to the sign as possible!


Going home and not happy about it. Can you tell by her bubble beard?

Other things in our trip not pictured. 
  • Awesome Toyota Sienna minivan to haul us all around (Im trying to convince Joey that we need a minivan....its starting to work :)
  • Yelp app directing us to all the MUST GO dessert spots in LA, my personal fave was diddy reise's $2 AWESOME Ice cream sandwiches 
  • Waze app helping us skip hours of traffic through neighborhoods, not to mention joeys crazy driving that would put cora straight to sleep as soon as we hit 60mph
  • Blowouts
  • Telling the airport check attendants that our beach tent was a bassinet so it would be free
  • Seeing the movie San Andreas where the San Andreas fault lies
  • Mom babysitting so Joey and I could go hot tubbing 
Fun trip! Thanks Joey's work!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

First Shots

Well, I ended my last post with best day ever So I think it would be appropriate to start this post with ...


We went in for her 2 month check up & for her first set of shots. I was nervous. Don't get me wrong, I am pro-vaccine but she's just so little! I know this is better than getting polio or spreading polio to someone else but it was terrible.

The shots themselves were fast and she only shrilled for about 3 minutes. Then fell immediately asleep for about 2 hours. After that she just screamed and slept in between screaming. I gave her some tylenol which seamed to help a bit. It got to the point where she wouldn't even nurse (which is obviously her favorite thing). We finally got her down for the night even though she hadn't ate for about 5 hours. She woke up about 3 times that night to nurse which I was happy about. She definitely needed some food in her system.

The next day, she was a fussy. She had a little bruising on her thighs. She just didn't handle that very well and I'm already dreading the next set of shots at 4 months. Even contemplating holding them off for awhile.......

Doesn't know whats coming

The day after effects. I don't mind the cuddling  :)

ANYWAY her 2 month stats are 10lb 12 oz (49%) and 23.5in (81%) Tall and lanky like her parents.
She sleeps 6-9 hours straight every night then nurses and goes back to sleep for 2-3 hours.
Does not like taking day naps....Unless you hold her...during the entire nap....or she will wake up as soon as you put her down.
Refuses her binky the first 2 times you put it in her mouth, then she remembers that she loves it..haha
Loves being outside on walks and bike rides.
Loves nursing...bottle is welcomed but not preferred.
She likes her play mat with music

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blessing Day

What a special day. I cried all day long! It was her 2 month birthday as well which made it all that much more special.

 Joey gave the sweetest blessing. The circle consisted of Joey, Jeff, Scott, Grandpa Dick, Cory, Randy & Max. Max recorded it on his phone so here is the dictated version:

Our Father in Heaven, by the authority of the Melchezidek Priesthood which we hold, we take this wonderful baby in our arms to give her a name and a blessing. The name that she will be known is Cora Sue Wood. Cora at this time, we give you a blessing from your Father in Heaven. We bless you that you may recognize His voice, feel His spirit and know that He loves you. We bless you with the opportunities and a pathway in front of you to gain a testimony of this restored gospel and of your savior Jesus Christ. We bless that you may have the opportunity to serve in many callings in the church and the opportunity to be sealed in the temple. We bless your mind that it may be strong, that you may have the desire to learn of the good things of this world. We bless you to be a leader in your temporal positions and spiritual positions. We bless your body that it may be strong, that it may grow, that you may use it to serve others. We bless you with the knowledge that you have a family that loves you and a wonderful mother, grandparents, and extended family. We bless you with the ability to discern the needs of others as you grow that you can be a tool for your Heavenly Father. All these things are predicated upon your obedience to the gospel and those that love you. We seal these blessings upon you and any other blessing that our Father in heaven sees to bless you with at this time and do so in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Joey and I both bore our testimonies during the meeting. (I was still crying)

After we had everyone come to our home for some Hawaiian haystacks, biscuits, green pistachio salad, green salad, & strawberry shortcake. Everything tasted great. We had the Wood fam & both grandparents, my parents, my aunt Glenda, Barbara Ford, Steve, Staci & Baylee Bowman, Mckelle and her 2 girls Boyer.

Such a perfect day.