We went in for her 2 month check up & for her first set of shots. I was nervous. Don't get me wrong, I am pro-vaccine but she's just so little! I know this is better than getting polio or spreading polio to someone else but it was terrible.
The shots themselves were fast and she only shrilled for about 3 minutes. Then fell immediately asleep for about 2 hours. After that she just screamed and slept in between screaming. I gave her some tylenol which seamed to help a bit. It got to the point where she wouldn't even nurse (which is obviously her favorite thing). We finally got her down for the night even though she hadn't ate for about 5 hours. She woke up about 3 times that night to nurse which I was happy about. She definitely needed some food in her system.
The next day, she was a fussy. She had a little bruising on her thighs. She just didn't handle that very well and I'm already dreading the next set of shots at 4 months. Even contemplating holding them off for awhile.......
Doesn't know whats coming
The day after effects. I don't mind the cuddling :)
ANYWAY her 2 month stats are 10lb 12 oz (49%) and 23.5in (81%) Tall and lanky like her parents.
She sleeps 6-9 hours straight every night then nurses and goes back to sleep for 2-3 hours.
Does not like taking day naps....Unless you hold her...during the entire nap....or she will wake up as soon as you put her down.
Refuses her binky the first 2 times you put it in her mouth, then she remembers that she loves it..haha
Loves being outside on walks and bike rides.
Loves nursing...bottle is welcomed but not preferred.
She likes her play mat with music
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