Tuesday, May 19, 2015

6 weeks

She's 6 weeks!

Starting to sleep really well at night. 6+ hours, she recently had a 9 hour stretch. She wakes me up for the day usually when joeys leaving for work to play, then goes back down for an hour or so more.

 Starting to smile & be interactive more

Can stand up by herself! Just needs assistance for balance. Also she completely holds her head up.

I made a key lime meringue pie to celebrate. Not really to celebrate, just because I've been bingeing on masterchef and was inspired to bake a pie :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mothers Day

My first Mother's Day. Completely different than all previous, for obvious reasons. I have always celebrated my mom & did so the same this Mother's Day, but for me, I got to celebrate being a mom. I am so grateful, beyond words to be a mama. It's something you'll never experience, until you experience it. I kept watching videos on Facebook about motherhood & just kept crying because I am so happy! Can you say #hormones?

My new favorite holiday to celebrate my new and improved lifestyle :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

0-1 month

Shes already 1 month! (5 weeks today) but im backtracking.

 9 lbs 1 oz this day. Took these pictures after we saw the Dr!

Grandma Sue in town, The best!

She is starting to not sleep as much in the day and actually fights it. She does sleep a 5-6 hr stretch at night though (in her beloved mamaroo) Sometimes it takes her an hour to two to fall back asleep at night. 

She crys when shes hungry, tired, and has a tummy ache. And don't even think about putting her down, she wants to be held All Day Long.

Her legs and head are getting so strong. We barely have to hold her head & she will stand with us holding her for balance & a little strength! 

Her newborn clothes are starting to go into storage. 

Cora had a granuloma in her belly button & we had to take her to the Dr. to get it cauterized. All is well now :) 

Grandma Sue, Cora and I went to the payson temple open house on her 4 week birthday

Aunt Kissa came into town week 3, we went on lots of walks!

We love Cora & are just as sad as we are happy that shes growing up!

Newborn photos

They grow fast. Too fast.

I got her newborn photos back (taken at her 1 week) & can't pick which ones to print!